COVID 19 Virus Affecting People

Can COVID-19 Or the Corona Virus Unite Our World?

All of you reading the title should be wondering am I living in a ‘Fool’s Paradise’ to ever see a ‘World With Absolute Unity’?

Well, my answer would be ‘Why Not’. Because, we are ‘All In This Together’.

Throughout many years of our civilization, there have been several man-made disasters like world wars, terrorist strikes to natural disasters like tsunami, hurricane, bush fires and other environmental catastrophes that has affected human lives in some part of the world at a given point of time.

But I don’t think we all have come across a situation where an ‘Entire Globe’ is affected by it at the same point in time. In other words, in almost 80% of the countries in the world map, they either have a reported case of patient testing positive for coronavirus disease or deaths due to this.

It is more than 2 months since this pandemic first broke out in Wuhan, China and we are sad to see today, that we are nearing close to a hundred thousand deaths across the globe.

So, can you all imagine how devastating it would be right now for those that have lost one of their family members and the irony of all is that they cannot bury them due to the on going ‘Social Distancing’ implemented in many parts of the world.

So all of you reading this from various parts of the world, are you all imagining that how the world would be, if we were all united from the beginning.

That is a world without political differences, caste and religious discrimination, racial profiling, authoritarian rule and human rights violation.

I believe that this ‘Pandemic’ has thought all of us that we as individuals and as a nation can no longer consider as ‘Exclusives’.

By ‘Exclusives’, I mean we cannot be under the impression that nothing is going to affect us socially, economically and politically even if you are the ‘Sole Superpower’ like the United States.

Look at the situation there were there lots of COVID – 19 cases as well as deaths and moreover this pandemic has also taken the toll on their economy with more than a million job losses and many small businesses being shut down.

That is why I feel that COVID-19 or Corona Virus can unite the world due to the following reasons:

#1. No nation can find a cure by themselves:

You may be a citizen of a well-developed country but as you have seen so far, none of them have been able to find a cure from this disease all by themselves. Each nation required other country’s help to tackle this pandemic.

For example, China helped Spain, Italy, and the US in shipping large numbers of masks and ventilators. Similarly, India had exported limited amount of Hydroxychloroquine, a drug used mainly for curing Malaria, to the United States of America and to Israel. There are other countries like Cuba, Russia, Europe and elsewhere that are helping others either financially or providing healthcare equipments.

In order, for all of us to see the end of this disease and get back to all our routine much sooner, then the ‘Entire World’ must come together in allocating healthcare professionals, resources, medical experts and pharmaceutical companies in inventing a ‘Vaccine‘ to cure this disease.

#2. This Disease Does Not Select Any People:

As we have seen for the last 2 months, since the outbreak first took place, COVID-19 has spared no one, irrespective of their nationality, religion, color, financial background, personality status or for that matter anything. So this means, we all have to solve it together.

I feel for the first time in the history of mankind, an opportunity has been presented to us where we cannot blame each other for any of the predicament that we come across. Instead, all of us around the globe must still not consider anyone else as our enemy, even if we might have been in the past.

Because this situation that we are in should have thought us by now not to label any other nation as evil. After all, we are seeing many death tolls taking place in authoritarian or dictatorially ruled countries like Iran, Venezuela, China, Russia and many other such countries.

So, from hereon, both their leaders as well as the democracies of the world must realize that we are going to either ‘Swim or Sink Together’. Whereby, all of us should come to an understanding that none of us can ‘Celebrate Death And Destruction Of Other People Or Nation‘.

Because as life has thought us for generations till date that ‘Death Is The Leveler’. Look at how it has affected the lives of Americans and other Western European Nations. Prior to this, we saw range of wars fought in the name of regime change and for territorial disputes. This affected many people living there displaced from their family.

Let us remember that we are living in an ‘Interconnected World‘. That means any situation occurred in a particular part of the world, it is going to have an impact all around the globe as well. So unity is inevitable.

Here is one of the powerful quote on unity from Rabindranath Tagore, one of the famous Indian Poets in his own words.

“The significance which is in unity is an eternal wonder”

This sums it all that without being united, there is no better tomorrow for the entire world.

#3. Socially and Culturally we can be even more closer:

You all must be feeling disappointed and board at the moment due to lack of sports and cultural activities taking place due to the on-going COVID-19 crisis.

But even in this torrid times, we are seeing the human side of all the top sportsmen and performing artists where they are donating their earnings to healthcare professionals by providing them medical essentials and to those suffering from this disease.

We have also seen many people from different faiths offering ‘Collective Prayers’ to all those affected directly or indirectly by this pandemic across the globe.

In reality, all of us belonging to different ethnicity, religion are after all ‘Humans’. So, we don’t have any reasons to discriminate each other forever.

#4. Economic crisis can only be resolved together

You all must be feeling frustrated by now working from home and unable to visit malls, travel to places, restaurants and other place of interests due to the lock down or social distancing in all parts of the world.

This pandemic has resulted in global economic uncertainties with several companies closing down and thereby many people left unemployed. Also, certain sectors like airlines and hospitality industries are badly hit.

Does this mean it is all doom and gloom?

I would say absolutely not.

How is it possible?

Well, this world economic crisis should be resolved with all the governments coming together, creating an atmosphere where both the under-developed nations and the most developed nations can frame economic policies and stimulation programs that can boost the economic recovery for all.

That means, for the next one year or more, none of the governments should levy any tariffs on imported goods, impose sanctions on rogue regimes, and increase prices on essential commodities like petrol, diesel, food, and medicines.

In the end, we should realize that all of us are dependent on one other for economic prosperity. Because, a daily wage earner in India working for an automobile spare-part supplying company is dependent on the stability of the auto-motive industries in Europe, Japan, USA, and South Korea.

Similarly, in the airline industry as well, that is the most affected by COVID-19, needs a stable world economy, so that people can travel for tourism and business purposes from all across the globe. We cannot afford instability of any kind taking place in any part of the world.

Let us remember that no country in this world can ever be -self-reliant. The whole world needs China as much as China needs them. Though, this pandemic might have originated in China, it is now upto the entire ‘World Community’ to resolve this healthcare issue. Period.

As you can see, we need to stay united in resolving the economic issue due to this sad event taking place right now.

My Conclusion:

I feel in need, a world without greed for which mankind had agreed for more than centuries. Now, it is time for that greed to be buried and breed in a new purpose of life that allows us to display love towards one another from different parts of the world.

With the COVID-19 disease, I feel there is a realization everywhere that there can no longer ignore any untoward events or instability happening elsewhere. Because sooner or rather later it is going to have a negative bearing on us.

So all of us need to cultivate the thought of ‘Collective Resolve’ of solving any problem affecting the world.

That is why we all need to stay united.

Thank you all folks for reading this blog, not missing out anyone, from someone living somewhere on this planet that has his ‘Thoughts And Prayers‘ for everyone that are enduring through the ‘Current Hardship‘ affecting all of us. Let us again, remember that we are ‘All In This Together‘. This is not a ‘Specific People’s Problem’. So, we all can gain strength to overcome ‘This Mess’ only through ‘Collective Prayer‘. Because at the end of the day, we should realize that ‘All People Are Nice’. Humanity Should Triumph. Peace And Happiness To All. Stay At Home. Stay Safe. Take Care Folks.